PhD (m-f-d) for “Mass spectrometric identification and characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins”

At the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences I, Institute of Pharmacy, we are offering immediately a temporary (3 years) job position as a PhD Student based on a part-time contract (65%).

The salary is based on the German civil service pay scale (TV-L) and depends on the individual qualification and experience up to salary group 13 TV-L


  • Mass spectrometric identification and characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins
  • Protein chemical cross-linking
  • Mass spectrometric analysis of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) interactions
  • Computational data analysis
  • Co-worker in a team of international scientists
  • Scientific research with focus on intrinsic disordered proteins
  • Participation in the qualification program of RTG2467
  • Completion of PhD thesis

Required qualifications:

  • Diploma/Master degree in biochemistry, biology, pharmacy, biochemistry, biotech or any related discipline
  • Basic knowledge of molecular biological techniques (PCR, cloning) is desirable
  • Basic knowledge of recombinant expression and purification of proteins is desirable
  • Basic knowledge of mass spectrometry is desirable
  • Fluent English (oral and written)


Applicants should apply by email referencing Reg.-Nr. 5-163/24-D including the usual attachments until 22.02.2024 to Dr. Christian Arlt, Center for Structural Mass Spectrometry of the Martin Luther University Halle-

Wittenberg, 06099 Halle (Saale), E-Mail: christian.arlt(at)

For further information please visit:

Job announcement:


