Interest Group “FT-MS and High-Resolution MS”


The interest group has about a hundred members. The group aims at offering a forum for those working with FT-ICR-MS and other high-resolution instrumentation such as Orbitrap or TOF instruments. It is open for all doing high-resolution and accurate mass analyses.

The general meeting of the interest group has been on Nov. 21, 2022 via zoom. Speakers were elected at this occasion for the period 2022–2026. Wolfgang Schrader (MPI Kohlenforschung, Mülheim) has been elected as the new speaker while Marianne Engesser (Universität Bonn) will continue to serve as debuty speaker. The previous speaker Jürgen H. Gross (Universität Heidelberg) served the group 2015-2022.


The next scientific meeting of the interest group is scheduled for September 21-22, 2023 in Rostock and will be organized by Christopher Rüger. See conference calendar for the announcement.

Past Meetings:


FTMS Fachgruppentreffen, 19.-20. Sep. 2019, TU Berlin.

FTMS Fachgruppentreffen, 21.-22. Sep. 2017, Universität Kaiserslautern.

FTMS Fachgruppentreffen, 16.-18. Sep., Universität Bonn.

FTMS Fachgruppentreffen, 26.-27. Sep. 2013, Universität Heidelberg.


FTMS Fachgruppen-Symposium, 2.-3. Sep. 2010, MPI für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim.


