Mass Spectrometry in the Life Sciences Award

This award was presented in 2024 for the last time.

The “Mass spectrometry in the life sciences” award of the German Mass Spectrometry Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS) honors outstanding method developments in and applications of mass spectrometry in the life sciences. The 5000 € award is fully by DGMS and is conferred to individual researchers at the DGMS Annual Conference along with an award certificate. In exceptional cases, the award may be given in equal parts to two individuals. The “Mass spectrometry in life sciences” award committee does not consider self-nominations.

The upcoming award ceremony will be held at the Annual Conference of the DGMS. Nominations for the award, including a brief description of the nominee’s unique scientific achievement and its importance for the life sciences, are due …, and can be submitted to the chair of the selection committee for the “Mass spectrometry in the life sciences” award:

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Breuker
Institut für Organische Chemie Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 80/82
A-6020 Innsbruck
